Saturday, June 26, 2010

RIA's and Libraries

Rich Internet Applications
Few libraries are doing this, many should.  We could use it for maps.  Google gears might be a good tool for us.
Data processed both on client and server side
Asynchronous data exchange.
Similarity to desktop applications (keyboard shortcuts, drag/drop, etc)
Richer experience for user (Connected, alive, interactive, responsive.)  Deeper level of interaction, quick.

Broadmoor (2002) is the earliest example of a RIA.  3 columns on 1 page.
AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML, 2005)  Google Maps is an early example.  Updates information based on portion person is accessing.  May be easy for libraries to do.  But takes more time to test/debugsince there's no community voice/framework.  No standards.
Flex 2 (2006) MXML -- Action 3 (like Java) is compiled into SWF then displayed using Flash Player.  Easy code (for code-writers.)  Bad for mobile devices.  Flash is not working with Apple.
Silverlight (2007) Windows Presentation Foundation hosted in browser--mix of XAML & JavaScript.  Lots of code.
JavaFX (2008) Learning curve is high.  Very complicated.  But very quick.
Adobe Air --does all this easier and well.  Note: this presentation is from an Adobe programmer, who claims to have an LIS, love libraries, and not be selling her product.  But here it it.  And it got a real sell.
Google Gears -- Local data store; Synch with server; Worker pool.  In beta.

HTML5 -- Next major revision of HTML.  New structural elements.  Audio & video.  New form controls.  Drag & drop.  Session storage, local storage.  Offline application caching.  Canvas (draw directly in browser window.)  Very exciting.  The Internet is bscoming more usable.

Bottom Line
Users don't care what platform you use, as long as it works for you.  Note: Apple can't use flash.  No iPad or iPhones.
No matter the platform: design, usability, and accessibility is crucial.

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