Friday, July 2, 2010

Innovative Collection-Centered Programs: Beyond the Book Group

As I anticipated, this was an amazing program and one I would have attended, even if I wasn't on the panel.  My notes aren't the greatest, since I was busy being nervous most of the time.  In lieu of decent notes, an outline of my fine colleagues' programs can be found here.  What follows is what little I was able to scribble about them while still looking like a calm, discrete panelist...

Trivia Night using library resources, presented by Vivienne Beckett, Scenic Regional Library, Union, MO.  

A very cool program where Vivienne and her staff use actual library sources to drum up questions in this "pub quiz" style trivia night.  Exceedingly popular and very similar to one that my library runs, otherwise there would be more notes here.

Winter Reading Club; Book Bingo; Book Club Mixer, presented by Michelle Boisvenue-Fox, Kent District Library, Grand Rapids, MI.

Winter Reading Club
2700 registrants.  Bingo card has 16 titles (originally more), inspiring patrons to read beyond "comfort genres."
Sticks slips in hold books.

Adult SRP
250 entrants/190 finished.  Treasure hunts.

Bingo & Booktalks
Patrons don't need to read a book.  Can sell new ones here.  The game brings them in.

Book Club Mixer
Discover great titles for book groups.  A circuit of tables fills the room: tables for: gentle reads, great books for book groups, local author, etc.
Each patron's name badge lists the best book they read in the last year.  Many brought lists of recent reads.
A booklist was necessary for those that can't attend.

Twilight Comparative Lit Camp.  Available for college credit, group reads and discusses the Twilight series, Pride and Prejudice, Romeo & Juliet, and Wuthering Heights, presnted by 
Cynthia Dudenhoffer, Smiley Memorial Library, Central Methodist University, Fayette, MO.

Blurring the line between public and academic, local PL is only open 3 days/week.
Twilight is a natural--so popular, it has its own barbies.  13 to 50's love the book.

Literary analysis
Themes & ideas -- Is Bella a good role model?
Slumber party atmosphere run by a 23 year old chaperon/fan.
Tie them into classics.
Moms wanted to be part of it; added a day for them.

Create a thematic soundtrack to the book
Crafts: shrinkydinks, cupcakes, etc.
Cast different stars/each other for the movies.

Boys are next: Hunger Games?

Oak Park Readers, an informal book discussion group where patrons can just drop in to chat about books in a social atmosphere, with no formal title selection, by 
Alan Jacobson, Oak Park Public Library, Oak Park IL.
More information on Oak Park Readers can be found at

Thrilling Tales:  Storytime for Adults.  A monthly lunchtime program where Wright and staff read short stories aloud, by 
David Wright, Seattle Public Library, Seattle WA.

Twice a month, lunchtime program attracts 40-100 people.  Seniors, workers, mothers, tourists.
Story is what we do.  Storytime is pure & elemental.

How to...
Photocopy strories, lay out the season.  October will be scary, Feb romantic, etc.
Read it, reread it, time it, mark it up (different colors for each character)
When performing, add no commentary.  Use a microphone.  Light at the podium, dark otherwise.
Call it a "grown-up" storytime.  Not an "adult" storytime.  Avoid xxx connotations!
Podcast it, tie it to local NPR station.  Use public domain stories.  Or don't worry, fair use seems to win the day as authors have told David they love being read.
Twilight Zones, Alfred Hitchcock Presents are the types of stories that are very successful, genre stories with a twist work best.
If you don't want to read the stories, tap your local theater troupe.  Can have a small repertory group.  
Guest readers, such as Nancy Pearl, have asked to perform.

Combined storytime and discussion called "The World's Easiest Book Group."
"Stories through History" where music, facts from the year the story was told are shared.
"Stories Around the World," 80 stories from 80 countries.
Vampires, family, ESL/Bilingual.
Do as annual festival--one community/one book.
Short story + film made from it.

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