Thursday, July 1, 2010

YALSA Great Graphic Novels for Teens: Comics & Graphic Novels Advisory Roundtable

Uninvited, but not unwelcome, I sat in on this meeting where the 2011 nominations were discussed. Score! I walked away with their list of nominations.  I was the only spectator.

Each of 29 books was discussed and commented upon; all had cards on whether to comment, vote yes or no, and “spoiler ahead.” Passionate discussion ensued. Each nominee discussed his or her nomination, a vote was tallied, and then it was decided whether the book made the list, did not, or was tabled for midwinter. This was called a “Straw Poll.”

Appeal (who the book was for) was considered over literary quality. For example, Amelia Earhart: This Broad Ocean was considered for reluctant readers but also thought to be too young for the list, even though the panel unanimously liked the book.
Uniqueness also seemed to be a factor.

Even when a nominee’s chosen book was lambasted, there was good, mature discussion; no hard feelings.

I walk away with a reading list: Chew, Calamity Jack, etc.

This is a panel I would join.

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