Thursday, March 1, 2012

Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film!

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore won this award.   And it's terrific.  One of the Youtube commenter put it well: "We all start out writing our life's story, Then all at once some event comes along that shake things up, For a time, we mourn the loss of what we had, But then we rediscover ourselves, We find our true place in the world, And finally we begin to write a story that we are most proud of, We share our lives, And enrich the lives of those around us, Until finally, we've come full circle, And we make a confident exit, Leaving behind a legacy of our own."  All about helping people appreciate reading, books, and life.  My favorite scene, where he floats away on the string of books. I guess the company that made this is based out of Texas.  Here's a nice piece on them.

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