Thursday, March 15, 2012

PLA 2012: Read/Watch/Discuss: Book and Film Programs in the Library

A presentation Kaite Stover from Kansas City Public Library and myself.  192 attendees, 80 discussion.  We ran over time and 15 people stuck around to wait in line with questions.  So it must have gone better than I thought!  Bonus, a tweet about me: " Alan Jacobson from oak park public library gave some great tips on how he gets people to leave the room after a film discussion. #pla12"

Special thanks to Kaite for thinking of me for this.  It was really nice to share what I do...and to watch a seasoned pro do the same.  
Lots of notes, including the PowerPoint can be found here.  Anyone interested in getting more info, please leave a comment or be in touch: libraralan at gmail dot com.

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