Thursday, March 15, 2012

PLA 2012 Plan Once, Deliver Nineteen Times: A Centralized Programming Model

Daisy Porter, San Jose PL

Diverse, Large Population
10th biggest in the US, 19 locations.  Educational Priorities from United Way: Finance, Parenting, Culture, Literacy, Health, Community.  Each location decided which to do.   2604 programs each quarter, 40% done once.  18 hrs/month planning, 8 hrs marketing, 13 hours/month programming…3 hrs/month planning, 2 hrs doing outreach.  44 hrs/month for FT librarian doing programming and outreach.

Plan Once Deliver 19 Times
6 people in programming unit.  Called UPS for some reason.  Wanted generalists to do all ages & types.  40% of programs are “in a box” actual or virtual.  Passport to the United Libraries of America was a craft box that was sent to each branch.  Box helps people who know nothing about crafts to do this fun, easy program.  Teen notebook design.  Virtual – Teen Talent Show…script for MC, marketing, sign-up sheets, etc.  Each branch had own show.  Grand winner at Main.  22% of programs are delivered by volunteer experts.  9% are delivered by community partners  (orgs).  5% were delivered by UPS staff. 3% by paid for by performers.  These are paid for by Friends.  Branches still deliver 21% of their programs, ramping that down this year.
Try it once, turn it into a program in a box next.
Now has moved to reference unit.  19 more librarians, more clerical staff.  UPS staff can also cover the reference desk.  
Librarians choose the books, tape how to do fingerplays, order puppets, and so forth.  Only put books in the boxes that are already circulating.

How to Get Them Around
Use routing crates.  They use 40, so each branch could have 2—in case routing fails.  Which cost $50.  Worth not damaging equipment.  They travel with regular delivery.

In a Box
15-20 books, all storytimes have same theme for week.  Enough to not repeat books.  CD of popular storytime music.  Flannel board pieces, stickers.  Rubber ducks (for bath time).  Biggest problem, pieces got lost.  Now they're sent back to main for checking first.

Letting Branches Choose
Menu created of what's available, they can choose what they want.  Titles, categories.  An additional document outlines what each entails.  Now they're merged.  Terrific looking doc: prog title, stay & play? Room,Beginning Date, Repeats, Start time are the columns.  Planning for 2 months allows performer to visit every branch over that period.

Buy In
Meeting (PDAT...) allowed managers to bring concerns, ideas, etc.  Also, feedback survey forms (Zoomerang) include staff feedback, including feedback on the boxes and every element, like "The Walter Puppet didn't work.  No one sang "Man or Muppet."

Flatscreen by checkout promotes new programs.  Twitter and Facebook promote all programs.  Blog has staff writing about programs.

Brooke Ballard, Teen Librarian San Antonio Public Library
Has used programs in a box for teens.  Teens want to talk about what they want and will come to your programs more if they help create them.  2 weeks of programs in each box.  Movie night has all info.  5 boxes so far.  Part timers use them because they don't have time to put into developing programs.

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